Monday, October 5, 2009

Business Continuity Considerations H1N1

The Influenza A (H1N1) virus outbreak is an evolving situation and it is important for Hoosier businessesto think proactively about the situation should it become more severe. Indiana businesses need toconsider what preventative measures, policies and/or procedures they may need in order to operate ina pandemic environment. The following are ten quick reference guidelines to evaluate your business’level of preparedness and ability to manage the situation if needed:

Preventative Measures
Consider policies and procedures which promote good health habits, such as hand washing/sanitizing,staying home when sick, avoiding close contact, etc., and your business can enact to enhance the safety of the workforce and prevent the continued spread of the virus. Also consider how this information will be distributed to staff. In addition, consider what measures can be taken to protect your customer, as well as your employee, when performing services to customers that require face‐to‐face exchanges.

Identify Professional Relationships
Identify your suppliers, shippers, resources and other businesses you must interact with on a daily basis. Develop professional relationships with more than one company to use in case your primary contractor cannot service your needs. A disaster that shuts down a key supplier can be devastating to your business.

Critical Business Processes and Communication
Carefully assess how your company functions, both internally and externally, to determine which staff, materials, procedures and equipment are absolutely necessary to keep the business operating. Review your company’s internal and external means of communication, including staff call down lists, e‐mail distribution lists, client/customer contacts, pagers, etc.

Succession of Management
Identify your company’s line of succession for key leadership, recommended to be a minimum depth of three (3) employees. These identified successors should possess the capabilities to perform leadership responsibilities and have decision making authority for your organization. Include at least one person who is not at the company headquarters, if applicable.

Social Distancing
Businesses need to consider what activities can be implemented to limit social contact, such as limiting face‐to‐face meetings utilizing web or tele‐conference meetings. Also, consider your company’s capabilities as they relate to tele‐commuting and the equipment needed in order to sustain operations.

Plan for Payroll Continuity
Include emergency payroll, expedited financial decision‐making and accounting systems to track and document costs.

Family/Home Planning
Encourage a plan for your staff’s families to prevent the spread of infections at the home.
Staffing. Plan for potential absenteeism and consider staff restrictions due to employees/family members sick or thought to be sick. Consider staffing assignments based on operations critical to survival and recovery.

Resource Availability
Access to supplies may be restricted. Identify the critical resources needed to accomplish
critical/essential functions and plan for shortages.

Travel Restrictions
Consider and plan for possible travel restrictions to conferences/meetings or distribution services.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
David Barrabee
COOP/COG Coordinator
Division of Planning and Assessment
Indiana Department of Homeland Security
(317) 233‐6116
Additional resources and information:

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